Acute back pain with or without radiating sciatic pain to the leg(s) (buttocks, thigh, groin, knee, calf, foot)
Neck pain with or without radiating pain to the arm (shoulder, forearm, hand, fingers)
Adolescent scoliosis is a deformity of the spine of children and teenagers in the age between 10 to 19 years
Intense pain in one or two legs that increases within a short distance of walking (about 50 – 400 meters). The patient usually has to stop walking because of the pain and sits down or bends forward to relieve the pain.
Sudden back pain that appeared suddenly or after falling down. Patients with low bone quality (Ostheopenia/Ostheoporosis) are at increased risk of suffering a vertebral fracture.
Back pain, usually chronically, that does not (or little) relieve with pain medication. Back pain is usually shaped belt/girdle like on the back.
Intense back pain usually after standing for a while or when seated. It can present also with leg pain.
Pain in the buttocks that usually presents after walking or standing.
This pain can have multiple origins, like the hip, the sacroiliac joint and the spine. It requires a thorough check-up by the physician to locate the actual cause of the pain to be able to treat it effectively.
Patients who have undergone previous surgery of the spine and still have or even present a new form of pain in the back may require revision surgery of the spine.
An acute infection of the spine (spondylodiscitis) is usually caused by previous spine surgery. The usual treatment consists of combining a surgical and antibiotic treatment.
Scoliosis is a deformity of the human spine in the frontal plane. Degenerative scoliosis develops progressively as an adult and can end up generating pain and deforming your back.
With a skin incision of less than one centimeter, this technique allows the treatment of herniated lumbar discs and other lumbar spine pathologies under local anesthesia and with minimal aggression to the patient.
We are world-wide pioneers in developing a revolutionary endoscopic fusion surgery. This innovative surgical technique allows expandable interbody implants to be introduced into a lumbar disc through a skin incission of only 12 mm and under local anesthesia. The patient is able to walks a few hours and is discharged the next morning after surgery .
This novel minimally invasive anterior scoliosis correction (ASC) surgery allows to preserve the mobility and flexibility, as well as a harmonious growth of the spine
(+34) 93 253 18 67
(+34) 626 420 119
Consultorio Vilana, Despacho L
Centro Médico Teknon
C/ Vilana 12
08022 – Barcelona