Política de Privacidad

تواصل معنا


“INSTITUTO MORGENSTERN, S.L. is responsible for the administration of your personal records and will handle your data to answer your message by consenting to it. You can retract your consent anytime by communicating it to info@morgenstern.es. Your personal data will not be shared with a third party unless there exists a legal obligation to do it. You can access, correct and delete your data, as well exercise other rights, by reading the additional information on data protection of our privacy rights policy.

I have read and accept the terms related to the privacy rights on the management of my personal data to obtain an answer to this message”

معلومات التواصل

السكريتارية: السيدة كريستينا لوبث
مركز تكنون Teknon الطبي

عن طريق الهاتف

(+34) 93 253 18 67

عبر البريد الالكتروني


عن طريق الواتس أب

(+34) 626 420 119


عيادة فيلانا الخارجية – المكتب L
مركز تكنون Teknon الطبي
شارع فيلانا 12
08022 – برشلونة

© Copyright – Morgenstern Institute of Spine, 2019.